About the Artist

Hi! My name is Hannah, the artist of Fox Treats. I’m lifelong fan of cartoons, horror films, and video games, which is where most of my inspiration comes from. I have a home studio in my basement in Maryland, where I live with my lovely partner and two kids. In fact, we named this little endeaver after our firstborn (who was named after a certain FBI agent in a 90’s horror/mystery/drama).

You may not realize it, but I’m a one person show; I design, produce, and ship everything you see here. My virgo superpowers gave me a vigilant eye and passion for perfectionism. You’ll find that my jewelry and home decor pieces aren’t just cool upon first glance; the closer you get, the more detail you’ll discover.

About the Art

I work primarily with acrylic sheets cut with a CNC laser. Starting with one of my drawings converted into an SVG, I engrave and cut pieces with my laser. Paint, glue, and hardware are added to finish off these little works of art.